theory of inference

英 [ˈθɪəri ɒv ˈɪnfərəns] 美 [ˈθiːəri əv ˈɪnfərəns]

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  1. The purpose of this book is to present up-to-date theory and techniques of statistical inference in a logically integrated and practical form.
  2. UAV is a complex mechatronic system, in order to meet the needs of fault diagnosis, based on the theory of fuzzy mathematics, and integrate case-based reasoning into fuzzy inference machine.
  3. The paper specially introduces the theory of Bayesian Statistical Inference into performance evaluation procedure for securities investment funds and proposes a Bayesian method of performance evaluation from an investor'perspective.
  4. And from the relativity theory of electromagnetic field the inference was that Lorentz non-electrostatic field will be on some condition converted into EEF or electrostatic field and they are both relative.
  5. An Exploration of the Basic Theory of Children's Inductive Inference
  6. The main contents and novel parts of this thesis are as follows: 1. The fundamental theory of Bayesian networks and frequently used inference algorithms are introduced.
  7. Basic Theory and Application of Statistical Inference by Bootstrapping
  8. The theory of the system, the way and the control of the inference are introduced.
  9. The theory of evidence is an important method to deal with uncertainty inference.
  10. An evidential theory approach of fuzzy inference
  11. In this paper, the main theory of adaptive neural fuzzy inference system is expressed system, and it feasibility to evaluate the slope stability is showed.
  12. Based on foundation theory of firm's resources, this paper puts forward an inference: A firm's competitive competency relies on the advantages and the characteristic composition of firm's key resources in market.
  13. In dealing with the uncertain knowledge, we set up the uncertain inference model based on confirmation theory, subjective Bayes method and evidence theory, to raise the accuracy of inference.
  14. The decision analysis theory of operational research can make a quantificational description on the inference by a policymaker which contributes to demonstrate scientifically, and the great construction scheme being carried.
  15. To tackle this problem, this thesis introduces the theory of Bayesian Statistical Inference into the performance evaluation procedure for securities investment funds.
  16. Studies on Some Problems in the Theory of Contraction Inference
  17. This paper introduces H. P. Grice's cooperative principle and conversational implication theory and illustrates the role of cooperative principle in the inference of conversational implication theory in Chinese and Eglish.
  18. The Minimal Model of Transitive Inference: The New Theory of Transitive Inference
  19. Through merging fuzzy logic inference, neural network control technology and extension theory, the objective of this article is to research an intelligent inference model based on competitive neural network, which has succeeded in imitating the Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist's diagnosis inference.
  20. Relevance theory is a branch of pragmatics. It is the theory about the research of pragmatic inference in verbal communication and the explanation principle of metaphorical talk.
  21. In order to enrich the students 'encyclopaedic information and logical information, the author believes that the use of relevance theory in teaching Japanese listening should focus on the training of inference and life-schema.
  22. The theory of distributed inference and decision is a kind of theory to be used to solve the distributed interwound decision problems.
  23. It has been carried on the relatively detailed introduction on the fundamental theory of knowledge base, knowledge express means, knowledge management and inference mechanism, this is theory base to establish the expert system of shock absorber design.
  24. Based on theory and application of experimental data obtained fuzzy inference rules, the fuzzy control model is established.
  25. All reasoning could be converted into the problem of satisfiability and target consistency checking, which is proved. Deformation of the two relations of the rules is given, deformation theory of evidence that is more suitable for logic inference of knowledge bases.
  26. In the light of Relevance Theory, the author devises a model of the process of inference in interpreting which is expected to not only explain the inferential process in interpreting but also shed some light on interpreter training.
  27. At the same time, the meaning of reasonable inference instruction, teaching the theory of reasonable inference and plausible reasoning based on the teaching model are discussed in detail.
  28. Theory of inference that the three-stage game model can promote consistency between local cooperation, which appears homogeneous government.
  29. Therefore, this article studies the dual processing theory using the terms of conditional inference and syllogistic reasoning under time pressure.
  30. Relevance theory emphasizes the importance of intention and inference in communicative activities, that is to say, the original intention of communicator should be conveyed to the listener completely.